Mortuary Project Progress Update
As saalam alaykum dear brothers and sisters.
As many of you are aware, we are constructing a Mortuary at the rear of Jamia Masjid in Newport. This is very important for our community and a requirement, which we have needed for a long time.
Alhamdulillah with your support and donations we have completed the first three phases of the project and phase 4, which is the construction of the Mortuary building itself is already underway. Some of you may have seen the building coming together already and over the coming weeks and months this will be clear to see. Photos and videos of the work underway can be seen attached with this post. We will also add regular updates to this page and share in the Masjid WhatsApp groups.
A while back we paused on collecting further money. Though our target had not been reached at the time, we wanted to wait until work had commenced. As this work is now underway, we will shortly resume collecting to reach our target.
We are asking for your support and donations. However big or small, together we can get this project completed. It is something, which will be used by the Muslim community for the foreseeable future. Please give what you can and work with us on this.
Contributions can be made using the following methods:
Contact the Masjid Imam or Masjid Chairman (Arshid Rahman)
Contact the following members of the Mortuary Committee:
1. Shafqut Khan - 07738629077
2. Irfan Ahmed - 07939525864
3. Khalid Mahmood - 07837477110
Bank transfer. The account details are:
Bank: Lloyds
Account Name: Mortuary Account
Account No: 72656668
Sort Code: 30-84-59
Using the following URL:
If you have any queries or questions on the progress of the Mortuary, the funds collected or would like a general update then you can contact any of the persons mentioned above, add comments to this post or email the Masjid at:
Jazakallah Khair
